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Troop 88 Fall Camporee


Where: Camp Tahosa
When: Sep 30, 2022 5pm to Oct 2, 2022 11am (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Camp-O-Ree at Tahosa.

Please join us on Friday - Sunday, September 30 - October 2, 2022 from 5:00 pm on Friday until 11:00 am on Sunday for the District Council Camporee #1 - hosted by the Black Feather and Centennial Districts. The 2022 Black Feather & Centennial Districts’ Camporee is our premier fall camping event featuring Troop Patrols and Venturing Crews competing in Scout skills and fun events.

Our Camporee is a weekend campout for Troops. It is designed to allow Scouts to participate in one of the oldest traditions in the history of Scouting. Patrols will compete in various competitions testing their Scout skills from the ranks of Scout to First Class, as well as other fun, exciting and teamwork focused events.

Join us for the fun, fellowship, and friendly competition! All Black Feather, Centennial District Scout, and all Denver Area Council Webelos and Scout BSA units may register and attend.

Camporee will be held at beautiful Tahosa High Adventure Base, 173 County Road 96, Ward, CO 80481

Cost is:
$25 Each for Scout & Scouter There will be an additional fee for food.
To register you must go to https://denverboyscouts.d...9-01/-1/0/. All scouts and adults that are attending must register through the link. The last day to register is September 25th.

Please check your calendars and plan ahead accordingly. Once you register, plans and supplies are made and purchased just for you. There will be no refunds.

Please RSVP for this event through Scoutbook



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